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HD-5701 HDI/SDI Video & Audio Backup Switch


The HD-5701 HD/SDI Video Protect is work of simplicity and reliability. This switch will switch digital/analog video and Audio between your primary source to your backup source with the touch of a button.


bullet Two HDI/SDI/AUDIO compatible passive circuits
bulletRemote Push ON - Push OFF control
bulletRemote Main/Backup control 
bulletRemote serial control @9600 BAUD
bulletExternal/Internal control voltage select
bulletPass-through output for previewing Backup signal
bulletTest button
bullet Rack Kits available
bulletSize - 7.3 x 3.5 x 1.25 inches
bullet 100-240VAC to 5V DC power supply included

    HD-5701:        $750.00 each.
    Rack Kit:         $95.00

    Note: This is a non-stock item and delivery is two weeks ARO.

Contact: Vancura Innovations

Phone: +1.309.948.6120


Printable literature sheet (PDF) HD-5701-Brochure

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Last modified: March 27, 2016